Globalized Professional Organizations


l   ISCA (International Speech Communication Association, the only globalized organization covering from phonetics, linguistics, engineering to computer science)

-             Member of the Board
(one of 14 members worldwide, one of 3 Asian members, the only Chinese member, elected by global membership)

-           Coordinator for International Affairs
    (appointed by the board) 2005-09


l   COCOSDA(International Coordinating Committee on Speech Databases and Assessments, a globalized coordinating committee)

-           Convenor
    (elected by the committee) 2000-01


l   IEEE Communications Society

-           Vice President for International Affairs
    (one of three vice-presidents, elected by global membership)1996-97


-           Awards Committee Chair
    (appointed by the president) 1998-99


-           Member of Board of Governors
    (elected by global membership) 1994-97

-           Region 10 (Asia Pacific) Chair
    (appointed by the president) 1994-95