Hi! This is Sheng-Syun Shen.

Currently drafted into the substitute military service in Hsinchu, Taiwan.

About Me

  • 2014/09 - 2016/06   Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
    M.S. in Electrical Engineering
    Speech Processing and Machine Learning Laboratory
    Advisor: Lin-Shan Lee

  • 2010/09 - 2014/06   Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
    B.S. in Electrical Engineering

  • My research interests include Natural Language Processing, Speech Processing, Machine Learning, Information Retrieval and Question Answering.
  • For more information about me, please refer to the CV.


Machine Comprehension on TOEFL Test

  • Proposed multi-hop neural attention models for TOFEL listening comprehension test.
  • Designed a sentence-level attention mechanism to reduce the impact of recognition error on language understanding.
  • Publication: ISCA Interspeech 2016 as full paper (one of the 12 finalists for the best student paper award) [pdf]

Neural Attention Models for Sequence Classification

  • Proposed an innovative recurrent neural network architecture with an attention mechanism for sequence classification and achieved better performance in key term extraction and dialogue act classification than previous work.
  • Collected a new data set (290,000 articles) from StackOverflow for keyterm extraction.
  • Publication: ISCA Interspeech 2016 as full paper [pdf]

Online Learning - Lecture Linking and Prerequisite Prediction

  • Designed a system for organizing online courses by linking lectures with similar contents and reordering the lectures according to their prerequisite relationship.
  • Proposed a word embedding approach that extracts feature vectors from documents while preserving the hypernym information by incorporating Wordnet database.
  • Publication: ISCA Interspeech 2015 as full paper [pdf]

Online Learning - Slide and Lecture Alignment

  • Built a system to align audio and slides to help people learn by video more efficiently.
  • Exploited global structure information using structured support vector machine (SSVM) to achieve a 5.25% improvement in alignment accuracies.
  • Publication: ISCA Interspeech 2014 as full paper [pdf]


Vehicle Detection using Faster Region-based Convolutional Neural Networks (2016)

In this project, we proposed two approaches for vehicle detection: You Only Look Once (YOLO) and Faster R-CNN. Both methods are end-to-end detector and achieve real-time vehicle detection. We trained the two models with PASCAL VOC 2007 dataset and did an experiment on imLab testing dataset, achieving accuracy of 0.07098 for YOLO and 0.63576 for Faster R-CNN in terms of F1 score.

  • Teamwork with Yen-Chen Wu and Ching-Ning Chen.
  • Result: [report]

Emoticon Prediction using Recurrent Neural Networks (2016)

The project is about predicting authors' emotion according to the sentences they wrote, and each sentence contains texts and an emoticon. Emoticons can be viewed as authors' emotion when they wrote the sentence. We handled this problem by utilizing deep learning techniques. We encoded sentences into a sequence of vectors and formulate the project as a multi-class classification problem.

  • Teamwork with Yu-Hsuan Wang and Chia-Hsing Hsu.
  • Result: [report]

Information Retrieval and Text Classification on Mandarin Chinese News Report (2016)

In this project, we proposed some approaches for information retrieval and text classification, which are two sub-tasks in Natural Language Processing (NLP).

  • Teamwork with Wei-Tse Lee and Ching-Ta Wu.
  • Result: [report]

Visual Question Answering (2016)

In this project, we solved multiple choices question according to their corresponding images. To correctly answer questions, the proposed system needs to solve a number of sub-problems in Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision, in addition to being able to perform some kind of "common-sense" reasoning. It needs to localize the subject being referenced, and needs to detect objects.

Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition based on Convolutional Neural Networks (2015)

We used support vector machine (SVM) and convolutional neural networks (CNN) to solve this Chinese character recognition task. To cope with the lack of training data, we tried to increase the data by adding virtual examples with rotation and masking. Experiments showed that the Caffe model architecture performed the best on most of the features we extracted.

  • Teamwork with Hung-Tsung Lu and Chih-Hsiang Yang.
  • Result: [report]

Friend Recommendation using Matrix Factorization and Singular Value Decomposition (2015)

The goal of this project is to find out the subsequent adopters in a social communication graph according to the given idea adoption records (user logs) and idea initiators. We explored many models, such as Hottest Recommendation, Matrix Factorization, Singular Value Decomposition, Neural Network and Local Community Detection. We also evaluated our methods based on F1-Score.

  • Teamwork with Hsiang-Hung Lu and Yi-Hsiu Liao.
  • Result: [report]


Conference Papers

  • Bo-Hsiang Tseng, Sheng-Syun Shen, Hung-Yi Lee, and Lin-Shan Lee, "Towards Machine Comprehension of Spoken Content: Initial TOEFL Listening Comprehension Test by Machine," in Proc. Interspeech, San Francisco, USA, September 2016. [pdf] [poster]
  • Sheng-Syun Shen and Hung-Yi Lee, "Neural Attention Models for Sequence Classification: Analysis and Application to Key Term Extraction and Dialogue Act Detection," in Proc. Interspeech, San Francisco, USA, September 2016. [pdf] [poster]
  • Sheng-Syun Shen, Hung-Yi Lee, Shang-Wen Li, Victor Zue, and Lin-Shan Lee, "Structuring Lectures in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) for Efficient Learning by Linking Similar Sections and Predicting Prerequisite," in Proc. Interspeech, Dresden, Germany, September 2015. [pdf] [poster]
  • Han Lu, Sheng-Syun Shen, Sz-Rung Shiang, Hung-Yi Lee, and Lin-Shan Lee, "Alignment of Spoken Utterances with Slide Content for Easier Learning with Recorded Lectures using Structured Support Vector Machine (SVM)," in Proc. Interspeech, Singapore, September 2014. [pdf] [poster]


  • Sheng-Syun Shen, "More Efficient Learning by Structuring, Classifying and Understanding Lectures in Online Courses," in Department of Communication Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, June 2016. [pdf] [defense]

Extracurricular Activities

As A Leader in Student Associations

:: Director of Activity Department in the NTUEE Student Association ::

I hosted over twenty activities, including sport games, summer camps, music festivals, dramas, proms, and talent shows for the Electrical Engineering Department undergraduate students.


Christmas Prom

Summer Camp

:: Director of Marketing Department in the NTU Graduation Prom ::

I was responsible for promoting the annual graduation prom with about 3000 participants. This job includes managing advertising campaigns, designing publicity photos, handling official websites, and producing promotional videos.

Night Run Campaign

Publicity Photo

Publicity Photo

Publicity Photo

As A Film Producer

I have learned to make films for about eight years. During these years, I have produced many micro movies, music videos and visual-effect animations.

[Micro Movie: Preview]

This story is about a boy who studied in a middle school, but disguised himself as a senior high school student. He not only made friends in that high school, but also realized that there are many things more important than just studying hard.

[I Really Like You - Graduation Film]

[Micro Movie: Phishing]

This story is about a young man who is winner at the game of life. One day something strange happened to him, and gradually, he lost trust for his best friend, girl friend, and even family. He decided to find out the truth, but things were getting worse...

[Fuji Xerox 45th Anniversary Film]

As A Photographer

I love grabbing my camera and finding subjects to photograph.

As A Graphic Designer

:: 2016 Speech Signal Processing Workshop in Taiwan ::

Besides making films and taking photos, I also enjoy graphical design. In the academic workshop, I was responsible for designing the visual elements including the logo, posters, flags, conference hall banner and t-shirts.



Drawstring bag


As A Basketball Player in EE Department

I played as a guard in our team. In this picture, I was the the third one from the left of the first row.


Sheng-Syun Shen

Email :
  frank61708 "at" gmail.com
  r03942071 "at" ntu.edu.tw