Late Penalty: 10% off every 24 hours(less than 24 hours will be viewed as 24 hours) after deadline.
Submission after 11/05 23:59:59 will get zero point.
Only C/C++ is allowed
If you have any question, maybe you can see the FAQ page
to see if someone has already asked the same question.
If you find that your programs encounter "divide by zero", maybe it's because you didn't fully understand FAQ Q10
Any form of cheating, lying, or plagiarism will get zero grade!
Please upload your homework to CEIBA
Assignment 2
Deadline:2017/11/24 - 23:59:59
Late Penalty: 10% off every 24 hours(less than 24 hours will be viewed as 24 hours) after deadline.
Submission after 11/26 23:59:59 will get zero point.
Late penalty: 10% off every 24 hours(less than 24 hours will beviewed as 24 hours) after deadline.
Submission after 12/17 23:59:59 will get zero point.
Any form of cheating, lying, or plagiarism will not be tolerated!
Because of the easy compilation of SRILM, compiling by yourself is recommended.
On the other hand, you should have the object files to use the library of SRILM
to access the language model rather than have the executable files only. (see
more in FAQ)
Please create the Makefile as specified in slides.
Specify the way to compile and run your program clearly in the document which has 2 pages with size of A4 at most.